Beispiele zum Kapitel Analyse

  • Part of the evaluation group with BYPAD certificate in Rostock

    BYPAD – Bicycle Policy Audit – is an instrument enabling municipalities to evaluate the quality of their local cycling policy. It is based on the methods of quality management. It was developed by an international consortium of experts between 1999 and 2001 as part of the EU project “SAVE”.

  • Basic City Profile diagram from Baltic Sea Cycling project

    The cities of the Baltic-Sea-Cycling Project started their work elaborating a “city profile”. This instrument was developed by Örebro and discussed in the first workshops.

  • The German cycle association ADFC organized the “Fahrradklimatest” (bicycle-climate test) – a non-representative survey among cyclists in Germany. The participants had to give marks for 21 aspects of cycling climate, safety and comfort in their city.

  • BSC partner Rostock worked with the city profile and also took part in BYPAD. The city made an analysis comparing the two instruments with each other, their differences in methods and outputs, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.